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Спецвыпуск Geological Quarterly
mhornДата: Четверг, 28.01.2010, 14:40 | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3615
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Спецвыпуск Geological Quarterly (2009) - Vol. 53-04 (Special Issue: Second International Congress on Ichnology (Ichnia 2008) содержит значительное число статей, посвященных юрским следам (к ним даны ссылки на pdf).
Вот ссылка на сам выпуск: http://www.pgi.gov.pl/index.p....temid=2


Aase Roland JACOBSEN and Richard G. BROMLEY. New ichnotaxa based on tooth impressions on dinosaur and whale bones
Anthony J. MARTIN. Neoichnology of an Arctic fluvial point bar, North Slope, Alaska (USA)
Grzegorz PIEŃKOWSKI and Alfred UCHMAN. Ptychoplasma conica isp. nov. — a new bivalve locomotion trace fossil from the Lower Jurassic (Hettangian) alluvial sediments of Sołtyków, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. pdf: http://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/G_Q/53_4/pienkowski.pdf
Grzegorz PIEŃKOWSKI, Mihai E. POPA and Artur KĘDZIOR. Early Jurassic sauropod footprints of the Southern Carpathians, Romania: palaeobiological and palaeogeographical significance. pdf: http://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/G_Q/53_4/popa.pdf
Gerard D. GIERLIŃSKI, Martin G. LOCKLEY and Grzegorz NIEDŹWIEDZKI. A distinctive crouching theropod trace from the Lower Jurassic of Poland. pdf: http://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/G_Q/53_4/gierlinski.pdf

Gerard D. GIERLIŃSKI, Piotr MENDUCKI, Katarzyna JANISZEWSKA, Ireneusz WICIK and Andrzej BOCZAROWSKI. A preliminary report on dinosaur track assemblages from the Middle Jurassic of the Imilchil area, Morocco. pdf: http://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/G_Q/53_4/boczarowski.pdf

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